

来源:www.aikuaigan.com   时间:2022-11-26 01:41   点击:305  编辑:admin   手机版

mountain climbing是名词短语。


【英文释义】 the climbing of mountains, especially the scaling of rock faces by means of special equipment and technique

【代表例句】 This is a fantastic area for hiking and mountain climbing.

1. Hiking Boots are specially-made footwear for men and women that are suitable for hiking, camping, and mountain-climbing.


3. For hysical exercises, I would rather go mountain-climbing tha just take a walk.


4. He wore mountain-climbing boots, expensive ones, his pride and joy, Italian make, in which he clomped around over the sawdust floor of the bar like an oldtime lumberjack.


5. Jon Krakauer wrote Into Thin Air, another book about a mountain-climbing tragedy, which became a publishing sensation.


6. These young men take pleasure in mountain-climbing on their holidays.


7. In order to help you have a sound sleep tonight, let's go mountain-climbing.

